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Marks of Infamy#3  (2019)

shadow attacked with screwdriver blows,  gray images of femicide victims

action traces


Marks of Infamy #2  (2017)

shadow attacked with machete blows, ashes of images of victims of femicide

action traces

Marks of Infamy #1  (2017)

shadow attacked with skewer blows,  gray images of femicide victims

action traces

“women die less from firearms (...)”*

The actions are based on cases of intimate femicide  – in a domestic and family environment in Brazil – involving the use of piercing, cutting and blunt instruments used by the perpetrators of the crime to mutilate and disfigure the bodies of victims. Based on these reports, I have developed a series of silhouettes – in progress – in which I attack my shadow, mainly violating parts of the body related to women's femininity and sexuality. By filling in the marks of violations with ashes from the images of the victims - published by the press - I intend to highlight the main parties targeted by the aggressors.

*BRAZIL.  National guidelines on femicide.  Brasília, DF: UN Women, 2016, p. 91

marks of infamy  #1 , 2017

shadow beaten with skewer,  a shes from newspaper images of feminicide victims

traces of action

Marks of infamy #2 , 2017

shadow beaten with machete, ashes from newspaper images of feminicide victims

traces of action

marks of infamy  #3,  2019
shadow beaten with screwdriver, ashes from newspaper images of feminicide victims
traces of action

"Women die less because of firearms..."

The actions refer to cases of intimate femicide in Brazil - in the domestic and family environment - involving the use of piercing, sharp and forceful instruments used by the perpetrators of the crime to mutilate and disfigure the bodies of the victims. Based on these accounts, I have developed a series of silhouettes - in progress - that bite my shadow, mainly violating parts of the body related to women's femininity and sexuality. The ashes of the victims' images that fill in the marks of the violations highlight the parties targeted by the attackers.

*BRAZIL.  National guidelines on femicide.  Brasília, DF: UN Women, 2016, p. 91

© 2018  by Yara Pina.

  • Yara Pina
  • Yara Pina (Instagram)
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