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post mortem traces  (2018)

liturgical object containing marijuana cigarettes

smoked with ashes of  names of detainees murdered in riots

action traces

The action consists of performing a funeral rite  with the ashes of the names of detainees murdered in riots during conflicts  between drug trafficking factions in Brazilian prisons. Due to the barbarism that led them to death within the  prisons – carbonization, decapitations, quartering – the remains of some  bodies were not even identified by the state, much less recognized and buried by their families. To perform the funeral rite  I incinerate a list with the names of the victims to later smoke their ashes mixed with the marijuana cigarette. If during the rite the smoke scatters the names, the ashes that remain after the act are transformed into vestiges of oblivion.

post mortem traces  (2018)

patent containing  marijuana cigarette smoked with ashes

from names of details murdered in rebellion

The action consists in leaving traces of ashes resulting from a "funeral ritual" in which I use the ashes of names of killed detainees during rebellions led by factions of drug trafficking in Brazil. Because of the barbarism that led them to death - carbonization, beheadings, quarterings - the remains of some bodies were not even recognized by the state, nor recognized and buried by their families. To perform the "funeral ritual," I incinerate the names of the victims and later smoke their ashes mixed with the marijuana cigarette.

© 2018  by Yara Pina.

  • Yara Pina
  • Yara Pina (Instagram)
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